Kamis, 12 Januari 2023

Gigih Majukan Desa dan Pertanian Kanreapia Gowa

 Potensi desa membuat kita melangkah, ada  pilar lingkungan, pilar kesehatan, pilar pendidikan dan pilar kewirausahaan menjadi poin gerakan utama kami di desa Kanreapia, berikut beritanya di Sosok Kompas Sabtu 7 Januari 2023.

Jamaluddin’s determination to strive for the advancement of his village has never waned. After establishing Rumah Koran (Newspaper House) for activities to promote literacy in his village, he has motivated farmers to take up organic farming. The villagers’ incomes have increased and their living standards have been elevated as a result.

In mid-August 2022, Jamaluddin, who goes by the nickname Jamal, was preparing to travel a long way from Gowa, South Sulawesi, to the provincial capital Makassar to attend the 2022 Village Product Export Ceremony. During the event, a number of villages in the province’s regencies of Wakatobi, Bombana and Bone marked the exports of fishery and agricultural products to the United States, China, India and Pakistan.